Naveen Singh kushwaha

Naveen Singh kushwaha

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About the author

Naveen Singh Kushwaha is an experienced news writer with a strong focus on politics, sports, and international affairs. With three years dedicated to consuming and producing news content, Naveen has honed his skills in journalism. He holds a Master's degree in Journalism and Mass Communication and is a journalist by profession, while also pursuing photography as a passion. Naveen has had the opportunity to cover prestigious events like the Bangalore Times Fashion Week and Femina South, blending his journalistic expertise with his eye for photography. For professional inquiries or to connect, you can reach out via Instagram at [Naveen_singh_kushwaha](, on X (formerly Twitter) at [Naveenskushwaha](, or via email at

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  • शहर पेट्रोल डीज़ल
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